The PSK Reporter map shows what I was hearing, and who was hearing me, or rather when they heard me. Peter VE6EPK was in Calgary, Alberta, which is shown by the "41 mins" marker on the screengrab. That was rather a nice bit of DX for 40W to an attic dipole on a day with no sunspots.
I think I may have remarked on it before, but it has always puzzled me why I hear more Europeans, but am heard by more Americans. Perhaps the QRM levels are higher over here, as it is later in the day, rather than anything to do with propagation. On the other hand, I only made those transatlantic contacts because I called them. If I had called CQ I would probably have logged only Europeans.
Hello Julian, a really good result. Congratulations. What is the difference between a mindless macro and a mindful macro (read brain)? When I hear the standard QSO with CW on the bands it looks like also a macro to me. A lot of radio amateurs are from the old school, every new phenomenon will be criticized. Why? Sometimes I like to talk with fellow amateurs, the other time I don't feel like to talk at all. Sometimes I like to use CW, the other times I hate it and feel like to throw away the keyer. And when I become totally bored and lazy I play with PSK31 or WSPR. And I like that too. ;-)
73, Paul PC4T
Calgary....on 40 meters? What a great catch! Congratulations Julian.... No matter what the mode, that's a good DX (I bet about 6,000 miles) from England?
John N8ZYA
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