I bought a copy of Practical Wireless today and noticed the following in the Waters and Stanton ad inside the front page.

It isn't often words fail me, but three hundred quid delivered for a hand held QRP antenna?!? I guess it would perform about as well as my home-made
Wonder Loop.
My late friend (K4KXL) and I used to have great fun laughing about the 40 meter "dipole in a bag" kits often sold over here sometimes for as much as $150.
He would no doubt be laughing out loud at the price of that QRP antenna!
73, Jeff KE9V
I hope that loop is made of gold tubing !
I want the deluxe model that covers the bands in between the ham bands so I can SWL with it. That model probably costs double because they have to fit all those extra bands inside that little box.
There is a sucker born every minute. How much did your version cost you? About the same only in pence I bet. It always amazes me when people pay over a hundred pounds for a wire antenna that is much the same as the one that cost me nothing or maybe under a tenner if I had to go and buy the wire.
You can visit oficial site of Alex. And see a more loop antennas, design and construction.
And buy a AlexLoop.
73´s de Antonio, EA1GFY.
I nearly choked on my lunch seeing that price!
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