This weekend I had hoped to mount my
2m Moxon beam on the rotator I recently bought. But on Saturday morning I was bending down and suddenly experienced a sharp pain at the base of my spine, which went down my left leg. This pain has been reluctant to go away. So I have spent the entire weekend horizontally polarized on the bed.

The weather has been fine which is not that common an occurrence in these parts, so it is particularly frustrating to be kept indoors. I hate being confined to bed as I get bored very quickly.

Fortunately it is not a complete waste of time because I have a laptop bed rest something like the one shown on the left, so I can at least use a computer and go on the Internet. I can access the shack computer using Remote Desktop and work datamodes if I want. But instead of that I decided to use the time to update all the KComm online documentation and make a public release of
KComm 1.6, my Elecraft K2 and K3 logging program.
It has been over six months since I released the last version, so I have somewhat lost track of all the changes. The main changes I can think of are:
- Can now use Fldigi as a datamodes engine, controlled through KComm user interface;
- Can use MRP40 Morse decoder;
- Built-in support to use Griffin PowerMate USB knob;
- Can now send spots from DX Cluster client;
- Now supports JUMA TRX2 native command protocol;
- Can now import data to log in ADIF format;
- Window size now a netbook-friendly 600px height;
- Numerous bug-fixes and small changes.
KComm probably won't be of much interest to many other people even if they are Elecraft (or JUMA) users, and it isn't intended to be. It is something I wrote primarily for my own use. It does exactly what I want, and that's the whole point of it. If anyone else finds it useful too, that's just a bonus.
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