I'm leaning towards 40m as this would make a nice little fun portable rig and the antenna being half the size of 80m would make things much easier. 40m generally has more activity during the daytime, too. I have never found 80m an easy band to work with limited antennas and low power, so it has always surprised me that the lower band is so popular with QRPers.
Of course, it being the weekend there is a contest on today, so not much chance of being heard with 100mW. Even if someone did hear me and reply, it's doubtful if I could pick them out using a receiver with no selectivity whatever! This tiny, simple transceiver is amazingly sensitive, as you can hear in this 1 minute audio clip recorded on 40m this afternoon using my MFJ magnetic loop for an antenna. How many different stations can you copy?
This evening I may put the 80m crystal in and see what it sounds like on that band. Unfortunately the little receiver has no tools for fighting the terrible QRN that comes on during the evening when all the neighbourhood plasma TVs are switched on, and sometimes 80m is all but unusable.
It's pretty "loose" alright. I think I heard 5....sounds like my unfiltered 703 in a busy contest. Hihi
It sounds like you little TX/RX is working ok. Was it the decoupling I suggested that solved the strange audio response you had previously?
Anyway, time now to make a permanent job of it. Hi.
73 Maurice G4DVM.
Hi Maurice. I think the decoupling might have helped a bit, but the audio still disappears below about 1KHz. It isn't helped by the crystal earpiece which has very little bass response. The recording probably made it sound better than it is.
Fortunately when the trimmer capacitor is switched out on receive the oscillator frequency is quite a long way below the transmit frequency so anyone who replies on your frequency should be quite high pitched and easy to hear - if you can pick them out of the crowd, that is!
Regarding neighbors plasmas:
I set up a webpage about the transistor if anyone is interested.
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