It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining from a cloudless blue sky and it felt warm, although the temperature was just above freezing. Olga and I decided to go to
Keswick, which is one of my favourite places in the entire world, and where I'd live if property prices weren't astronomical. Though being a conservation area in a national park and surrounded by mountains it is probably one of the worst locations for ham radio imaginable.

I thought we would go for a stroll through the town and have a coffee and a look in the shops, which we did, but I also spent rather a lot of time standing around being bored while Olga looked at clothes. I loathe shopping, and would buy everything possible - including groceries - online if I could. If I decide I need something I generally purchase the first thing I see that will do the job. Olga has to examine every possible candidate and then agonizes over the decision for hours. Consequently we rarely buy anything for the house requiring a joint decision as I have usually lost interest in buying anything after my first couple of suggestions have been rejected.
In Keswick we saw very little evidence of any damage caused by the November floods - unlike the
devastation that occurred in our home town Cockermouth. We walked down to the lake, where I took this picture using my phone, since I wasn't carrying the camera. The ducks and geese are very tame and you can walk right up to them. I'm sure they would take food from your hand if you had any.
Beautiful scenery...always good to spend a day outdoors. Thanks for sharing.
Lovely to get away from the routine sometimes. Sounds like you had a good day (apart from the shopping!). I have been to the Lake District and I think to Keswick, but it was when I was 16 and I can't remember too much about it. It looks very beautiful from your photo. Let's hope as spring approaches we can all get out and about a bit more. Bye for now, Adam
Hello Julian, nice place your living. The weather here was cold, just 0,3 C and very misty all day. 73 paul
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