I just came up to the shack after watching a film to see what was happening on 80m PSK31 and saw 5E50SA in the PSK Browser calling CQ. I had to click on the entry to find out where he was - Morocco! A quick call and he was in the log.

This is a special event in memory of the victims of the Agadir earthquake in 1960. According to QRZ.com the station will be in operation until the end of February so there should be plenty of time to work them. QSL via EA7FTR.
Hi Julian, I like that kind of surprises when I go for PSK. Good catch. 73 Paul
Hi Julian, I managed to work 5E50SA this morning on 40m. I had a 3/4 hour spare before I had to go to work, so I thought a little PSK while having coffee might be in order. It was a bit of a struggle working 5E50SA due to some very strong over driven PSK signals near their trace causing loads of splatter. I managed to block one with the notch filter, and I was running as narrow passband I could. Pity I have only one notch filter! I suppose with your K3, things must be better.
I think more education is still need w.r.t digital modes. I still see far to many splattering stations. I hope if I splatter some one tells me! I do try and keep power down.
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