Lots of WSPR activity on Top Band tonight. I thought I'd take a listen and so far have decoded 10 different stations from Norway to France.

I don't have an antenna for 160m so I'm using my multiband dipole that covers 80m, 40m, 20m, 10m and 6m. However the best SWR the K3 ATU can manage to get with this antenna is 10:1 so I daren't transmit. Most people seem to be running 10W which is a lot more than is normally used for WSPR on other bands.
I think 160m is an impossible band to operate when you only have a very small attic to put your antennas. But it is interesting to see what I can receive. Some of the stations I have received are coming in at good strength. The accursed local QRN is on sounding like car ignition interference spikes but the K3 noise blanker took it right out.
That is interesting to see. I don't have 160m TX either, yet.
I always take part in the WSPR activity days every Wednesday, and yesterday (2 Dec) was such a day, 17m and 60m. The idea of SAD is to get people to try other bands that they might not have done, as so many are inclined to sit in 30m. :-)
73 Andre'
Hello Julian, With my Miracle Whip + wire(s) with a good SWR 1:1 so I can transmit on 160 meter. With phone I worked locals here. With WSPR best DX was 932 km (reported by GM4SLV). I hope the QRN will be less in a few weeks. 73 Paul
Oh bother, I didn't think of that! I have a Wonder Wand (better version of the Miracle Whip) and I have made a local 160m contact on it. Next time there is a 160m activity session I must remember to try it.
Hello Julian, I was on 160m wednesdaymorning. Best DX heard in was at LA6TPA 1250km. Best DX heard K1JT 6005km. Antenna was my alu foil vertical, I always use a max. of 1 Watt. 73, Bas
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