That shop eventually closed, as did the parts suppliers in Tottenham Court Road and Edgware Road London, where I started work, and soon the only way to get parts was to order them by post from suppliers like Cirkit and Maplin. Cirkit stocked a lot of parts useful for RF projects, but they eventually disappeared, while Maplin gradually reduced its range of RF parts to give more space over to "consumer electronics". Eventually, sourcing the parts for a radio project would typically involve ordering from several different suppliers because none of them had everything you needed. It was a lot more hassle than going down to the local radio shop with a parts list, and with minimum order charges and postage costs it also got expensive. So I lost my enthusiasm for home construction.
A few months ago I ordered something online from a firm called CPC, as a result of which they started sending me catalogues. It is incredible the range of products they sell, and at very low prices too. But I discovered that CPC is related to Farnell, a well known professional supplier of electronic components, and one of the catalogues had a big section of electronic parts. Because they are a professional supplier, cheaper components have to be ordered in quantities of 5 or 10. But the prices are so much cheaper than Maplin that this is not such a disadvantage.
I decided that I would put together an order for a basic stock of resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors and so on that should be enough for several small projects. Deciding exactly what to order was the hard part, and I kept putting it off for weeks. It seems to me that a good topic for an article in one of the radio magazines would be "What to buy to stock up your parts box."
Eventually I made a list as there were a couple of other things I wanted to buy from CPC and it is worth ordering more than £40 worth of stuff at a time to avoid the small order processing charge. The order came this morning. I have organized the parts into separate polythene bags (they came packed in dozens of them) so I can easily find them.
Now all I have to do is start building something!
WOW, but you left out the best part!
What did you get? What colors (values), How many? SMT or Through hole?
Your blog was just like reading a Christmas Story without being able to read the ending.
Wish you well - Eldon - WA0UWH
That was deliberate, and why I suggested someone should write an article. I'm not an expert like, say, Roger G3XBM and I'd hate people to copy my list of parts and then start finding things that should have been included as I'm sure I will once I start building some actual projects.
I got thru-hole parts, as I'm planning on trying Manhattan style (my eyes are way too poor for SMT - I wish I could use QRO so I could build a linear with tubes and really big parts hi!). I got packs of resistors, capacitors and electrolytics that include 10 each of the 6 values in each decade, an assortment of leaded inductors from 1uH to 15uH plus a bunch of 2N2222A, 2N3904, BSX20, J310 and 2N3819, some 1N4001's, a couple of LM386s (then discovered I had one already.)
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