My first contact was with Billy, 2E0WJC in Leeds, who was also running QRP. It was a solid contact with almost perfect copy. Later on in the evening I worked Gordon, G4TZX near Dover, for another good chat. I was then called by Frank, DL7LAX in Leipzig. There was some QSB but we managed to complete a contact. Finally I worked Kari OH2LRG/4 who had difficulty believing that I was using an antenna inside the shack. Most stations I have worked using the Wonder Loop are amazed that I am using an indoor antenna and want more details, so I end up having a chat instead of just the usual exchange of details.
I am very pleased with how well the Wonder Loop works on this, the lowest band it covers. For Kari and others, I should be starting work on the description of the Wonder Loop very soon now.
Myles VK6ZRY usinga 1 metre dia magloop, I copy stations from Europe everyday, they use 1 to 5 watts on WSPR, some use 100mW on 17M, all are recieved here.
USA same, 18,000KM 100milliwatts on 30M.
It is indoors height is 40cms above ground.
When summer comes I will use a bigger loop outside.
Hope to spot you on WSPR in Perth, Western Australia.
Hi Myles. You already did spot me:
2009-07-25 17:08 G4ILO 10.140122 -26 0 IO84hp 2 VK6ZRY OF78wd 14690 87
I was running 2W to the Wonder Loop, too.
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