In 1969 my whole life was ahead of me, and it appeared to be a future in which there was no limit to what man could do. It seemed that science and technology could solve any problem, and all my science fiction dreams would come true. I eventually began a career in computing, which in those days was a bit like science - you wore a white coat and worked in air conditioned rooms using the latest high-tech equipment.
How things have changed! How those hopes were dashed! Today's technology makes that of the '60s seem primitive by comparison, but there is no glamour to science and technology any more. In 40 years the computer has gone from a tool affordable only by universities, the military and big corporations and operated by elite "boffins", to something an eight year old uses to play games or download the latest hit songs and which Mum uses to keep in touch with Granny. The optimism that led America to believe it could, within a decade, land a man on the moon and return him safely to earth, was replaced by a realism that space exploration was a luxury costing money that could be better spent elsewhere. The word "geek" was invented, and became a somewhat derogatory term. Science became the bringer of bad news about things like global warming and swine flu.
Are things better now than they were at the end of the 1960s? I don't think so. Sure, I'm a lot better off than my parents were and have luxuries they could never have imagined. But there was an innocence and optimism about life then that has gone now. Those were the days of the Cold War, but that wasn't something that impinged on our consciousness much. I'd rather have the old enemy back, the USSR, than the threat of terrorism that we face today. I'd rather have what we had then and still have hopes for the future, than have what I have now and worry about how long it will last.
Neil Armstrong's small step ultimately led nowhere. A nation lost confidence in itself, the world became more inward looking, more concerned with everyday, mundane matters. The future became less bright. People no longer look up at the moon in awe and dream about where we will go next.
I miss the innocence and the optimism. If only I could turn back the clock forty years and relive those moments anew.
So true .... reading your piece made me feel quite sad. I feel the same way as you even though I am 12 years younger then you, I have had much a similar experience. I feel quite emotional!
73, Andre' M0JEK
I wrote something similar on my blog so it seems like we all feel the same way. Instead of being a celibration of man's great achievments the Moon landings remind us of what might have been. http://cqhq.wordpress.com/2009/07/05/my-generation/
Regards Steve GW7AAV
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