Steve writes that he built a quad antenna to use with the receiver. My antenna was a dipole mounted on a wooden stand in my bedroom and fed with a few feet of audio co-ax, since at the time I was ignorant of coaxial cable properties like impedance or loss! In those days I lived with my parents in Rayleigh, Essex. I was able to receive the local police on the CQ2 receiver, as well as amateurs in the Southend area such as Barry G8HNX, John G8IDI and Chas G8HVS. I could receive the GB3VHF beacon from Wrotham, Kent, and also a couple of old-timers who had a regular sked: G6LL whom I think was in Hertfordshire and G5OX who may have been in Ashford, Kent (or perhaps it was the other way round.) This was nearly 40 years ago and I'm surprised I can still remember any of it!
Steve also writes that the radiation from the super-regenerative receiver wiped out the local TVs. I don't remember that, fortunately, or an end may have been put to my aspirations to be a radio ham before they even started!
But my first proper transceiver - a Hudson AM108 ex-taxi radio that I bought for £5 at the RSGB Woburn Rally in 1973 (which was actually before I was licensed) caused patterning on my parents' TV on receive! After I got my license I soon found that it caused serious breakthrough on my father's stereo hi-fi on transmit as well, so my operating was done mobile /M from the car after that.
Later I built my own 4-channel 2m FM transmitter (using tubes, to another PW design) which I used in conjunction with a Microwave Modules receive converter and my short wave receiver (also home built, using tubes, from a PW design.)
So much fun with such primitive equipment! I often wonder if all the technological advances we have today have really added to the enjoyment of the hobby.
1 comment:
Most of my early radio parts came from the local rubbish tip! Avoiding the tip wardens and the lime pits made for an exciting side hobby.
Then we had an aladdins cave of treasures in an old military surplus store. It was piled to the ceiling with ex-military gear, and outside was more under tarpaulins.
The owner was knowledgeable and generous with the equipment, leading to making some nice simple home brew equipment.
This gear would not survive long on todays bands, due to stability problems etc, but like the footings of a building, supported todays radio edifice.
I wish I had kept that ceramic silver plated roller coil though.
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