Some time ago I thought about setting up an EchoLink node to make it possible to have some contacts on VHF. But when I realized how much trouble I would have to go to in order to get permission for this I went off the idea pretty fast.
My interest in this basic idea was rekindled when I read recently about the D-Star Digital Voice Access Point. Personally I'm not going to be interested in D-Star until the prices of compatible radios come down and you can buy them from other manufacturers than Icom. Besides, I like my little TH-F7E with its wideband AM/FM/SSB/CW receiver and don't want to change it for one that doesn't have that facility. But why shouldn't I set up a very low power EchoLink node for my personal use so I could make some contacts using my TH-F7E hand-held from round and about the house?
I put in an online application for a Notice of Variation (NoV) to my license to run an attended simplex node - which so far hasn't made any progress. However, fellow blogger Tim G4VXE writing about his experience with the DVAP mentioned that he made some quick enquiries via the RSGB's ETCC as to the legality of using the DVAP without an NoV and they were not concerned about DVAPs or hotspots as long as there is no third party traffic.
I presume that D-Star, being digital, knows who is calling in to the system so you can set it so only you have access. With EchoLink you can really only have security by obscurity, using low power, a poor antenna and an obscure frequency so that it won't pick up transmissions from anyone else. I'm not sure if this meets the official standards for not allowing third party traffic, but my enquiry to the ETCC has also gone unanswered (so far.) I got fed up with waiting and decided to go ahead.
I first tried EchoLink many years ago when it first was announced. At the time I had no way to access the system except direct from my computer. After making a few contacts that way I found that talking to hams without using any radio wasn't very interesting, so I didn't use it again.
Even though I am only using RF to make the link of a few metres to the radio connected to the computer, because I am using an actual radio it really feels like I am making a radio contact. I have set up the G4ILO-L node so that it doesn't allow connections from computer-connected users. There may be disadvantages to this and perhaps some will consider it a bit unsociable but I still feel that using amateur radio at each end of the link is an important distinction that differentiates EchoLink from internet chat. I can still join EchoLink conferences and conferences may include directly connected users so talking to people who aren't using a radio isn't completely ruled out.
I dare say there are some who will still consider that making contacts in this way isn't amateur radio. But the fact that my RF is not going directly from my radio to his is of no great importance as far as I am concerned. This isn't meant to be a way to explore propagation or work DX. It really isn't much different from using a repeater.
If I find that it is worthwhile keeping my EchoLink node running then it will create a couple of new radio projects to work on. I will need to make a new computer/radio interface and either build or modify a radio that I can dedicate to the link so that the equipment I am currently using for it can be released for other uses.
Because I signed up for EchoLink soon after it was announced I have a coveted low node ID number: 3098. I have swapped this number over to use for the link. The G4ILO-L node is running low power to a leaky dummy load so it can only be used to contact me. If you have access to the EchoLink network by radio, please give me a call. It would be great to talk to you.
Really pleased you've got it going, Julian. I'll see if I can arrange to connect to your node and say hello!
Tim, G4VXE
May I suggest that you look at ex-pmr gear? You can get a radio on 2m (I use these for APRS) or 70cm (which I use for internet linking) for about £25, tuned and ready to go. they are cheaper if you are happy to retune them yourself, and the fonrt ends are bomb proof! I don't to advertise dealers on your blog, so drop me an email and I can point you to my preferred suppliers.
73 Steve, M0BPQ
Well done in setting up your node, keep pushing the tech, and pay no attention to the o' farts that say this is not amateur radio..
on our local 2m repeater freq, today, there have been decusions abt the wx, one old boy cycling in to town, and a couple o guys "mad on fly fishing"... hardly the "learning curve, that ham radio used to be.. nor inspiration for attracting new blood into the hobby.( which are, very converse in technolgy, and the digital arena)(i've tried echolink using my ipod and had to seek my daughter's help before i could set the damn thing up correctly)
Im doing a similar thing here but im using 70 Cms D-star, which you can access cross platform, by connecting to node 223547, using echolink. (there a quite a few cross platform systems out there, echolink, asterisk, irlp and d-star)
Anyways keep it up, and well done, for pushing the tech
Andrew M1DNS
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