Not running the gateway would allow me to use my K3 with a transverter to work 2 metres instead of my FT-817ND. Although the K3 can do FM it is less convenient to use as it doesn't have a dedicated Packet mode and although it has a better receiver for some reason the audio output results in less reliable decoding of packets than when using the '817. This is probably something to do with audio de-emphasis or filter bandwidths - I have never got to the bottom of it.
Using an iPhone for APRS would allow me to sell my VX-8E. I still have my TH-F7E dual band HT which I kept because its HF SSB/CW receive capability is unique and useful. The only thing I don't like about the Kenwood is that it doesn't have a drop-in charger, so I have to mess about with a wall-wart and a trailing cable whenever I want to charge its battery.
Using an iPhone for APRS would also mean that I can be tracked and use APRS messaging wherever I am instead of just within radio range of my home QTH - which is pretty limited due to the hilly terrain and the fact that I am not located on a hilltop.
The arguments for using an iPhone for APRS seem overwhelming, apart from the fact that it seems like cheating to use the mobile phone network instead of amateur radio. It feels a bit like the first step on a slippery slope towards getting rid of the radio gear altogether and using HamScape or CQ100. But is it worth persevering with APRS over amateur radio in an APRS desert, when an iPhone would deliver much better functionality?
There's another new APRS "App" for the iPhone written by SW1OAN called PocketPacket. It works as a full featured APRS client displaying local APRS stations on Google Maps, takes the GPS position from the iPhone and sends the location to the APRS-IS internet system like iBCNU. Best of all if you feed audio from a 2m radio into it it decodes the packets and sends them to the internet. A complete APRS igate in your pocket!
73, Chris, G4HYG
I had been coming round to the idea that perhaps a Windows Mobile phone and APRSISCE might be the best solution. So thanks for the heads-up on that. It sounds very interesting.
Hello Julian, best wishes for 2010! yes, the iPhone is on my wish list for this year. The APRS function looks very neat. I will give the XYL a hint for my next birthday. 73 Paul
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