Friday, September 21, 2012

Beacon update

I have updated the beacon data file for VOAProp today. The NCDXF/IARU beacons in Kenya (5Z4B) and Argentina (LU4AA) are back on the air after a long absence.

The thought crossed my mind: Now we have WSPR and remote beacon skimmers covering all bands, does anyone use these beacons any more?


  1. I rarely listen to beacon stations. Indeed, only WSPR or RBN. 73 Paul

  2. I usually do listen when working mobile, on a field day, or from a camp to check propagation conditions because there is no mobile internet in some areas.

  3. Yes, I just leave the receiver running sometimes - always fun to see what pops up.


  4. I used to have a receiver listening all the time but since selling it I haven't used them at all. I used a programme called Faros. It didn't like my FT817 so I haven't used it for ages. WSPR is probably more useful.

  5. It is a long time since I listened to them. It would be useful if they were all sending WSPR on a rotating cycle.

    Roger G3XBM

  6. I have a copy of Faros too, Alex. I set up a system to upload propagation charts to my website. But to be worth doing you have to run it 24/7 and it got inconvenient having a radio, antenna and computer tied up all the time.

    I agree, WSPR would be more useful.
