Friday, June 29, 2012

AlexLoop teams up with KX3

Just a few days after I wrote that the AlexLoop WalkHam is a great companion for the Elecraft KX3 and here is a video by Steve WG0AT showing the combo in action.

5 and 9 using QRP SSB! I can't wait until I'm fit enough to take the KX3 and loop to the outdoors myself.


  1. Hi Julian, 5 by 9, well I think I don´t believe that given the received signal. Anyway, I like the Alexloop but don´t like the prize. I guess I stick with the MP-1. The only problem with that antenna is rain and its radial system. Have to find a solution for that. 73, Bas

  2. I don't like the price of the AlexLoop either. I could have made one but it's not so easy these days and "you can't take it with you" as the saying goes.

    I'm not sure the AlexLoop would be much more rain-proof than the MP-1 but it doesn't require radials which is a big plus. The MP-1 only worked for me when I could use a car body as a ground plane. It isn't a good portable antenna IMO.

    Thanks for the comment. 73 Julian.

  3. I get the biggest "kick" out of this guy. The goats are a real hoot!
