Friday, December 16, 2011


This was the scene that greeted me when I looked outside this morning! Nothing to what folks in the USA get, of course. But considering that it used to be unusual to have any snow at all during the winter here in West Cumbria it's still noteworthy.

I hope we don't get any more, though. Apart from the hassle factor of slushy slippery pavements, a thick layer of snow on the roof won't help my attic antennas to get out.


  1. Strange weather here too, Julian. We've already had snow in Texas but what makes it even more unusual is that while it was snowing up north (near Amarillo), it was a sunny 26C here in STX.

  2. It would be great if that's all the snow we get here.....last night it went down to minus 9C and with the wind chill minus 15C. At this point we only have a dusting of snow but it is coming. Last year at this time just south of us they had 40cm's of snow already.
