Thursday, November 04, 2010


I don't know how long it has been around but I only discovered this online propagation prediction tool using the VOACAP prediction engine today.
It's very easy to use, and produces a nice chart showing the best times and frequencies to use to make a contact with a particular region. Of course, the predictions are based on the average expected propagation for the month, it won't tell you what the bands are like today, which is why it is better not to waste your time on tools like this and turn on the radio.


  1. "which is why it is better not to waste your time on tools like this and turn on the radio."

    Agreed. It's quicker to turn on the radio and scan the bands/listen for beacons etc, than to use these tools, interesting as they are.

  2. Good morning Julian, very nice tool I bookmarked it and did give it a go.
