Thursday, February 11, 2010

Follow me, follow you

A casualty of my blog's forced migration from my web hosting to Blogger's that almost went unnoticed is that I have lost my list of followers. This isn't something you can see, because the blogger gadget to display a blog's followers wasn't available to those who used their own hosting, and I can't use it without changing the template, and I'd rather have root canal than mess around with templates and style sheets.

Although you can still find my blog if you go to the old web addresses, it would appear that Blogger doesn't know you're following it. I don't know whether updates will still appear in your Blogger dashboard if you are subscribed using the old address.

So if you can, I would suggest that you update your subscription so that you are using the address or if you are using a feed reader. I'd hate to lose any of my followers!


  1. Greetings Julian.

    Having recently been through the same sort of thing, though not with blogger, I'd recommend moving your feed to Feedburner. That way, you feed becomes portable and can move to wherever you may go if you move again.

    While that doesn't seem very likely now of course, the day may come when you'd like to move somewhere and make it invisibile to your followers...

    Google 'feedburner' for more details.

    And keep up the good work, love your blog!

    73, Jeff KE9V

  2. Hello Julian, the blogroll works fine, no problem at all. GL 73 Paul

  3. DONE!

    Try to use a FeedBurner if you need some RSS portability and a FriendConnect as a followers manager at any host.

    73! Andy UU1CC
